CAE-Group privacy policy

This privacy policy can be accessed on the following link :



As part of its activities, the CAE website edited by the company CAE Group, a company registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 320 921 364 RCS, with capital of 304110 euros (hereinafter "CAE Group", "we", "us", "our") is required to collect and process personal data concerning yourself, in our role as data controller under the terms of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


Ensuring the confidentiality of your personal data is the basis for establishing a relationship of trust. We therefore take the protection of your personal data seriously when carrying out our activities, whether online or in our branches.



The purpose of this policy is to explain to you how we collect and process your personal data. This policy may be changed at any time, in particular to take account of changes in the technologies used, the development of new services and publication of new regulations, in which case the new version will be published on our website. We will, nevertheless, notify you of any substantial changes to this policy, to ensure that you are aware of them.


Which categories of personal data do we process ?


CAE Group collects and processes several types of data. These mainly fall into the following categories :


  • Personal identification : your title, surname, first name, potentially your date of birth, if provided voluntarily. Similarly, if you post a review of products on our website, a pseudonym is assigned to you.
  • Your capacity : i.e. you are here as a consumer or a professional
  • Contact details : e-mail address, postal address and telephone number and other contact details such as the delivery and billing address.
  • Orders : the products ordered, quantity of products ordered, prices, transportation methods, history of orders placed, invoices, credit notes, details on return of goods, any discount coupons allocated. Your payment data:payment method (bank card, Paypal, bank transfer, cheque, administrative mandate) and data associated with the payment method.
  • Your comments : any comments and reviews you may have produced and posted on our products, directly on the site. These comments are associated with a pseudonym
  • Your messages : the content of messages you send to us and the answers we provide
  • User account data your username and passwords for authentication and account access.


Personal data marked with an asterisk is data that it is essential to provide in order to enable us to implement the contract. If you do not provide this data, we cannot provide you with the product or service concerned.


Entry of data not marked with an asterisk is optional and you do not have to provide it.



When do we collect and process your personal data ?


Personal data about you is collected and/or processed in the following situations :


  • visiting our website at ;
  • creating and managing your customer account; managing your customer account user rights ;
  • placing an order resulting in the supply of products and services ;
  • administrative and financial management of customer relations ;
  • sending of sales offers, marketing and/or newsletters in accordance with your choice ;
  • during our communications : the content of your messages, e-mails, letters or telephone calls for our attention (e.g. your comments and reviews on products, or your questions to us). When you contact us, telephone conversations may be listened to and recorded in order to improve customer relations ;
  • customer satisfaction surveys,
  • organisation of contests, sponsorship operations ;
  • communication of your data by our business partners.


Why do we use your personal data ?


We use your personal data for the following purposes:


  • Managing customer relations : 
    • Creating and managing customer accounts,
    • Supplying products and services, including recording and fulfilling orders (delivery, invoicing and payment methods),
    • Managing payments, credit processing, debt collection and customer service,
    • Managing the anti-fraud policy
    • More generally, managing the contractual relationship; 
    • Improving the products and services that we offer : surveys, analyses and statistics concerning website and application use and our products and services;
    • Managing sales prospecting and marketing operations :
    • Sendingout newsletters about products and services,
    • Prospecting: sending out communications (including e-mails and SMS) concerning our products and services.
    • Managingnewsletter subscriptions and sales prospecting messages sent by CAE Group;
    • Offering personalised content : we can use personal data to provide you with personalised content and promotional material,
    • Managing participation in loyalty schemes, events, contests and prize draws.
    • Responding to user requests and communicating with users about products and services offered by CAE Group, their opinions on the products and services provided by CAE Groupand the changes and developments in products and services offered by CAE Group ;
    • Processing and managing customer service requests;
    • Carrying out statistical analyses;
    • Ensuring that your personal data remains confidential and secure;
    • Ensuring that the legislation and regulations in force are applied.


It should be noted that CAE Group may offer to provide you with certain personal data in order to send you sales prospecting messages (in particular sending information related to the launch of new products and/or services, organisation of promotional events and all types of marketing activities).


You can freely and explicitly consent to or refuse collection and processing of your personal data for marketing/sales prospecting purposes by checking the relevant box. You also have the opportunity at any time to refuse use of your personal data for sales prospecting purposes, by clicking on the 'unsubscribe' link, which you will find in every email that we send to you or by sending us a request on our contact form.



What is the legal basis for processing of your personal data ?


Depending on the case, the CAE Group processes your personal data on the following legal basis :


    • the data processing is necessary for implementation of a contract to which you are a party or is necessary for implementation of pre-contractual measures: this is the case in particular with processing related to :
    • creating and managing your user account,
    • supplying goods and services and in particular managing your orders, payment management, etc ; 
    • the processing is in line with legitimate interests pursued by CAE Groupand in particular its economic interests: this applies, in particular, for processing for the following purposes :
    • prevention of payment fraud ;
    • management of the website and its operational functions (including logistics);
    • resolution of any technical problems, improvement and development of new functionalities, consideration of use and/or user feedback and requests;
    • generation of statistics;
    • sales prospecting. As shown above, for data processing for the purpose of sales prospecting, however, we obtain consent where required by the applicable provisions ;


This data processing contributes to security and helps CAE Group to improve its services, therefore providing benefit to both the users and CAE Group without compromising their interests, rights and fundamental freedoms. In some cases, we need to process and retain your data because we are required to do so by the law - this applies in particular when data is processed for the following purposes :

  • ensuring general security, whether of the website or of the databases on which your data is stored ;
  • management of invoicing, payment and debt collection. Tax and accounting obligations require us to collect and keep your data ;
  • and if required, on the basis of your consent.



Where is personal data sent to ?


Your data goes to certain authorised persons in CAE Group. They only have access to your data where it is strictly necessary in order to fulfil the purposes indicated above.


As CAE Group belongs to an international group, we are authorised to share your personal data with other companies in the TKH Group, for research and statistical purposes. With your consent, we may also share the same data with companies in the TKH Group for sales prospecting purposes. 


We may also collaborate with service providers acting as subcontractors under the terms of the applicable regulations in order to carry out services related to the services we provide to you through the website. These service providers, in particular, act in the fields of hosting, storage, analysis, marketing, communication, accounting, delivery, payment, data processing, database management or computer maintenance services. In this context, these service providers may have access to your personal data. These service providers will only act on instructions from CAE Group, and will only have access to your personal data for performance of these services (i.e. they are not authorised to use the data for any other purposes), and shall be bound by the same obligations as CAE Group in terms of security and confidentiality.


We may also be required to pass your personal data on to the following persons :

    • to the judicial, police or administrative authorities legally entitled to access to such data
    • to parties involved in legal proceedings, defending us or exercising our rights


Do we transfer personal data internationally ?


We may transfer your personal data outside of France and the European Economic Area. In this case, we ensure that appropriate measures are in place for protection of your personal data. These measures may include signing of appropriate standard contractual clauses approved by the European Union, use of service providers with Privacy Shield certification or service providers with binding company rules duly approved by a supervisory authority. You can contact us via our contact form to obtain more details about these measures and to obtain a copy of the established measures and guarantees.


How long is the personal data kept ?


We store your personal data for as long as necessary to achieve the purposes of the data processing operations concerned. The data retention period varies depending on the type of personal data concerned, according to the following :


    • the need for CAE Group to store personal data for the purposes of its activities
    • contractual obligations
    • legal obligations
    • applicable retention requirements as specified
    • rules and recommendations issued by the personal data protection authorities


In general, we retain your personal data throughout the duration of our business relationship with you and/or whilst your user account is active. 


You have the opportunity to close your user account at any time by sending a request message via our contact form. In this case, we will delete all personal data that we hold about you, from the active database on which it is stored, except for data that we need in order to fulfil our contractual or legal obligations, including accounting obligations. 


At the end of our business relationship and/or if you close your account, the data is archived throughout the relevant applicable specified period (currently five years) before being deleted permanently after this time has passed. 


We are therefore able to retain some personal data even when you have chosen to close your account. This data is retained to enable us to carry out our legal or regulatory obligations and to exercise our rights (e.g. to be able to bring an action in any court and/or to defend ourselves in the event of a court case).


What means are used to ensure security of your personal data ?


We regularly review the technical and organisational measures we have in place, to protect our information and communication systems, in order to adapt them to the risks that you face and to prevent any loss, misuse or unauthorised modification of your personal data. Nevertheless, security and confidentiality of personal data are based on general good practice and we recommend you to be vigilant. It is your responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of the password that you use to access our websites and/or application(s). We will never ask you for your password except when you are connecting to your customer/user account.


CAE Group does not control all the risks associated with use of the Internet, and we draw your attention to the potential risks inherent in this use and operation. We decline all liability in the event of any damage caused by accessing or using our website, including in the event of a virus infecting your computer or any other material damage.


What are your rights ?


You have the following rights :


    • Right of access: you have the right to know what personal data we hold concerning you and to request a copy of that data, as well as to ask for information about the purpose of the data processing ;
    • Right of rectification: you have the right to obtain rectification of any inaccurate personal data held concerning you, and in some cases deletion or limitation of processing ;
    • Right to object: you may object to processing of your personal data for sales prospecting purposes or to processing based on the legitimate interest of CAE Group;
    • Right to limitation of processing: you have the right to ask us to limit our use of your personal data in some cases;
    • Right to deletion: you may ask us to delete your personal data (under some conditions);
    • Right to data portability: where applicable (when processing is based on consent or execution of contract), you have the right to receive a copy of the personal data you have provided to us (in machine-readable form) or to have this data sent to another company;
    • Right to withdraw consent: at any time you can withdraw your consent to the use of your personal data, where consent is required.
    • Right to send instructions regarding what happens to your personal data in the event of your death:you have the opportunity to issue instructions defining the storage, deletion and disclosure of your personal data in the event of your death.
    • Right to file a complaint with the competent data protection body (CNIL in France).


How to exercise your rights ?


To exercise the rights mentioned above or to obtain further information about your rights, please :


    • use the contact form provided under "Contact us", placed at the bottom of each page of our website ; 
    • or click on the "My personal data" link located on your account home page on our website. You can then exercise your right of access by directly exporting the personal data that we process about you, or use the contact form mentioned above to exercise your other rights;
    • or contact us at the following address :


Data Protection Contact

CAE Groupe
ZAC des Hauts de Wissous
Air Park de Paris
Bâtiment le Cormoran
3, Rue Jeanne Garnerin

Link to contact form



When you are visiting or using any of our websites and/or applications, cookies or other tracers may be saved on your device (computer, tablet, smartphone), if you consent to such data collection processes, or when they are necessary for provision of a service that you have expressly requested from us.


A cookie is a small text file that is placed on your device (computer, tablet, smartphone) when you visit a website. It is used mainly to collect information about your navigation on the website, to adapt this navigation to your needs and to provide you with personalised services. On your device, cookies are managed by your Internet browser. 


We use cookies to help you to navigate easily on our websites and to perform certain functions, including analysis of site traffic. Cookies can also recognise you if you log back on to the website, and can then provide you with content tailored to your preferences and interests.


Some cookies may collect personal data, including information that you enter, such as your username, or information that you do not provide directly, related to the device you are using and online identifiers (e.g. IP address) or your online behaviour.


Like most websites, our Internet site uses cookies, which can be classified in the following categories :


    • Cookies that are strictly necessary for provision of an expressly requested service: these are cookies that are essential in order for our site to work properly, such as shopping basket cookies, which allow our website to remember the contents of your shopping basket when you change pages or view certain products.
    • Functionality cookies : these cookies are used to optimise and simplify your experience as a user. For example, they can remember your previous choices (language, display size) or your password.
    • Audience measurement cookies : these cookies measure audience and user navigation on our website and also allow us to understand the channels that you use to browse our website. These cookies are used internally to help us to give you a better user experience (e.g. to assess site performance or to test different interfaces to the site). We often use research companies to perform these services, so these cookies may be implemented by a third party.
    • Cookies linked to targeted advertising operations : these cookies are used to provide you with personalised content (including advertising content), that is interesting for you and also to assess the effectiveness of this content. This content may be presented on our websites or on third-party sites. We often commission third-party providers to deliver this content, so some of these cookies may be implemented by a third party.
    • Social network tracking cookies: these cookies are placed via social media sharing buttons on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google and Viadeo, which are embedded in our website. Data is sent automatically to these third parties when you visit pages on our website that incorporate these buttons. For more information about how your data is processed in this context, we invite you to consult the privacy policies of the social networks concerned.


The personal data collected via cookies is never kept longer than necessary for the purpose of the cookie, and in no case longer than the period recommended by the CNIL, i.e. 13 months after they are created.


The cookies used on our website are described in detail below :



Cookie Type
Cookie function

Stores the randomly generated key used to prevent falsified applications.

PHPSESSID Your session ID on the server.

Allows guests to display and edit their orders.

PERSISTENT_SHOPPING_CART A link to information about your basket and viewing history, if you have requested it.
STF Information about products that you have sent by e-mail to friends.
SHOP Shop view or language that you have selected.
USER_ALLOWED_SAVE_COOKIE Indicates whether a customer is authorised to use cookies.
MAGE-CACHE-SESSID Facilitates caching content on browser to speed up loading of pages.
MAGE-CACHE-STORAGE Facilitates caching content on browser to speed up loading of pages.
MAGE-CACHE-STOCKAGE-SECTION-INVALIDATION Facilitates caching content on browser to speed up loading of pages.
MAGE-CACHE-TIMEOUT Facilitates caching content on browser to speed up loading of pages.
SECTION-DATA-IDS Facilitates caching content on browser to speed up loading of pages.
PRIVATE_CONTENT_VERSION Facilitates caching content on browser to speed up loading of pages.
X-MAGENTO-VARY Facilitates caching content on browser to speed up loading of pages.
MAGE-TRADUCTION-FILE-VERSION Facilitates translation of content into other languages.
MAGE-TRADUCTION-STOCKAGE Facilitates translation of content into other languages.



 Cookie type

Cookie function

Google Analytics

Audience analysis

Google Audiences

Uses an Internet search engine providing targeted search results



Cookie type

Cookie function

Facebook Pixel

Personalised offers

Google Tag Manager

Personalised offers



Cookie type

Cookie function

Facebook Connect

Allows Facebook users to create social plugins, graphical APIs and social media channels

Facebook Pixel

Personalised offers


Allows Gmail users to create social plugins and to share a page by e-mail


Allows Pinterest users to create social plugins, graphical APIs and social media channels


Allows LinkedIn users to create social plugins, graphical APIs and social media channels


Allows Viadeo users to create social plugins, graphical APIs and social media channels


Allows Twitter users to create social plugins, graphical APIs and social media channels


You can change the cookie settings at any time. You can change your Internet browser settings (click on the "Help" button of your browser in order to know how to do this) to choose to receive an alert every time a cookie is sent, or simply to reject them, in which case some functions of our websites will no longer be available.



Configuring every browser is different. To find out the procedure to be followed in each browser, click on the links below :


You can also choose to disable third party cookies, by going directly to the issuer's page.